Founder, Dean 'Jagaro' Crabb
Described by one participant as “Earth Hour for the Soul”, The Moment of Peace is a free, non-profit, annual international event to promote more peace and happiness in our modern busy lives by sitting silently for one hour. People of all backgrounds, faiths, beliefs, races and religions are invited to celebrate this moment together. It is an ambitious project to get everyone in the world to just stop and be at peace once a year together.
Diskin Life
Buddhist Trends
Do As One & The Moment of Peace
The Moment of Peace on Bondi Beach – Meditate with us at Sunset!
Dr Rick Hanson
King David Peace Drummers
Ripple Kindness Project
MedMob: Inquire Within
Kosdown Printing Company
Good Gabble Newzine
So The Moment of Peace just around the corner!
I made a video presentation today for The Moment of Peace that I'd love for you to share with others. There is still time to get more people involved. Please share it as much as you can.
Find an Event Near You - I'm excited about teaming up with and this year to bring you all a truly global experience in 2012. It is now occurring in 300+ cities worldwide! Check out our map or MedMob's map to find an event in your city. Or get online and synchonise your breathing with others from around the world on the Do As One website.
Send Photos and Video - To document the event I'd love you to take photos and share videos from the event. Please post onto our Facebook page or email us
Lastly, I'd like to thank all our Major Supporters and the tireless efforts of strangers from around the world who give their time and dedication to make this possible. The world is better because of what you do.
I hope you enjoy participating in The Moment of Peace for 2012 and the expereince of peace within and with others.
This is the People's Movement for Peace!
In Peace & Kindness,
Dean 'Jagaro' Crabb
@dean (on the site)
The Moment of Peace 2012
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Feature Article
Be Open to Receive by Andrew Jobling
07 Mar 2012 12:49 amTags: Newsletter Featured, The Moment of Peace, andrew jobling, authors, giving

While promoting The Moment of Peace last year I was fortunate enough to meet a lovely man and author by the name of Andrew Jobling. Here is an inspiring article by him. You can read more about him here and subscribe to his weekly newsletter if you like.
Keep on giving but …
Be Open to ReceiveWow! I am learning some amazing stuff every single day, and I am loving what it is doing for me in my life. I can’t wait to share this week’s article with you! I have just finishing reading this book and, in fact, as it is so amazing I have started reading it again. It is called ‘The Go-Giver’ (as you can plainly see) and is a parable or story with the message highlighting and re-inforcing a concept we already know … the power of giving. It is an engaging story which highlights ‘The Five Laws of Stratospheric Success’. All five of the laws are invaluable and the book had me all the way through – but it wasn’t until the last law, in the last few pages of the book, that the penny really dropped for me. The last law is; the key to effective giving is to stay open to receive…I think we all know why giving is so important, don’t we? Nevertheless, my strongest recommendation is to get and read this book – because from what I have just read and after some self reflection & observation of others I now understand why many people don’t get the full value from their giving. What most people don’t do is … be open to receive.‘Open to receive’ or ‘only to receive’?This is subtle and there is a big difference between being open to receive and only giving in order that you will receive. The mistake I have made, and that many people may have made, is when the only reason I have given something whether it be; time, a compliment, money, a gift or something else is to get something in return. I remember as teenager helping my grandmother move boxes simply so that she would give me some of her amazing chocolate cake – by the way, she did! More recently, I have offered my time, help or services with the intention of getting something in return.
This strategy may work short term and people may be embarrassed into giving what it is you are after, but according to ‘The Go-Giver’, long term stratospheric success will only come when you give without the expectation of receiving, yet staying open to receive. It is confusing isn’t it? It just means give, give, give because you care about people and you want to see them happy and successful – NOT because you want something in return. But also know that when you give, someone else receives and so when others give you will also receive! This is how the universe works – everything is in balance. I hope this makes sense.
There is another thing that holds people back from ‘stratospheric’ success and it is certainly not that they don’t give. In fact many people give far and beyond what others would think necessary, yet they are not open to receive because they don’t feel they deserve to receive. My mum is a perfect example of this …Deserving to receive …
In my book Dance Until It Rains I talk about my mum’s life and her 15 year battle with cancer that ultimately took her life. As a child she was raised in trying times and had to help out with the family & business duties. From a young age she developed the belief that she was not loved unconditionally and had to work to earn her parents love. She was conditioned to just keep giving and to not expect anything in return – she never felt worthy of receiving, until much later in her life. She would often not accept kindness, gestures or help from others as she didn’t feel that she was deserving of it.
Let me tell what I now know. If this is you, and you have a hard time opening yourself to receive from others, understand that you are denying those people the joy that comes from giving! Remember this is how the universe works and stays in balance. If you give then you deserve to receive – make no mistake about it! You must be open to receive.
Enjoy giving and the receiving will take care of itself …
I actually saw a simple example of this in my life just this week. I have a client who buys organic vitamins from me and she makes one small order every month or two. I know she doesn’t have heaps of money and I really like her and so I sell them to her at my cost price, in fact a bit below my cost price. They cost me $51, but I say to her $50 because it is a round number. I pick up the vitamins, I drop them off to her in the city and so it is neither a profitable nor a smart business activity – but I have never really stopped to think about this, because I like helping her out.
During the week I had an appointment in the city and so I stopped to drop the vitamins off on the way. I went to put money in the meter and fortunately it already had enough time on it, so it saved me a massive $1! I then had to drive to get to my next appointment, parked and again there was money and time already on the meter – I saved another $2!! “Big deal” I here you saying … It is a big deal, a huge deal in fact, if you understand and believe what is happening! I wasn’t giving to my client expecting to receive, but I was open to receive free parking. Perhaps I wasn’t open enough or I would have received more than $3!
Are you ready to receive?
Start giving more than you have ever given before. Give from your heart, with a heart for people and with no ulterior motive – do it because it is a great thing to do and really enjoy the feeling you get as a result. Then open your heart and your mind to receive in abundance and receive you will. Have an amazing week!
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